Doctoral Convent

What is a Doctoral Convent and what does it do?

The Landeshochschulgesetz of 2014 aims to strengthen the position of doctoral candidates by the formation of doctoral convents. The Doctoral Convent of the Department of Economics and Management represents the interests of all doctoral candidates accepted at the department and was constituted on March 31, 2015. The bylaws of the Doctoral Convent can be viewed here.

The Doctoral Convent elects its board from among its members. This board represents the Doctoral Convent externally and manages its affairs. The board also serves as a contact point for questions or issues during the doctoral process and provides updates on current events through its email distribution list. Unfortunately, members of the Doctoral Convent do not automatically receive these emails; to receive them, one must register here.

Furthermore, the board sends a representative to participate in faculty board meetings (with guest rights) as well as to the doctoral convent round, where representatives of all doctoral convents at KIT meet. The board also maintains connections with the Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS) and the representatives of the academic staff.

Who can participate?

All doctoral candidates accepted by the Department of Economics and Management are members of the convent. This means you can contribute from day one of your doctorate. You can get involved by submitting questions or suggestions to the board. Additionally, we are always happy to welcome active members who want to help with our tasks or run for the board. If you are interested in participating, feel free to attend our board meetings. Please contact us via email in advance.

How often do we meet?

At least once per semester, a convent meeting is held to discuss topics related to the doctoral process. All members of the Doctoral Convent are invited to this meeting. Annually, the five members of the board of the Doctoral Convent are elected during one of these meetings. The board meets approximately once a month, usually on the last Thursday of the month.

Current Board



Julius Hoffmann Viktoria Klaus Swati Bhargava Kristian Noullet Runxi Wang

If you have any questions or suggestions about the doctoral studies, you can reach us at promovierende∂