Welcome to the Academic Staff of the Department of Economics and Management
With these pages, we, the representatives of the academic staff, provide information about our various tasks and responsibilities. We address all members of the department employed in scientific services, with the further goal of providing general information on relevant processes within the department. For news concerning the department, we refer you to the department homepage.
If you are new to the department, whether as a doctoral candidate or postdoc, the page New to the Department? will likely be of interest to you. Here, we have compiled all the information you need for a successful start at the department. If you wish to connect with other members of the department, we particularly recommend the Networking Lunch mailing list, for which you can sign up here.
For all doctoral candidates, the page about the procedure to the doctorate is likely to be of particular interest. Here, the formal steps towards obtaining a PhD are listed, starting with the doctoral agreement and registration at the department, all the way through to the actual process to the dissertation.
On the Postdocs page, we address the specific concerns of this group.
The Landeshochschulgesetz of 2014 made it mandatory for each department to establish a Doctoral Convent. This body advocates for the interests of the doctoral candidates at the department and is connected with other committees of the department and KIT. In case of questions or issues during the PhD process, the convent is also a good first point of contact. On the corresponding page, the current convent introduces itself. New faces are always welcome in the convent. If you are interested in contributing to the convent, you can simply attend the meetings of the entire Doctoral Convent or the meetings of the Doctoral Convent board. Please contact the board of the convent via email beforehand so that the meeting details can be communicated.
26.06.2024 17:30
each time at 2:00 pm